121 research outputs found

    La transformation en ondelettes continue : un microscope mathématique adapté à l'étude des propriétés d'invariance d'échelle et de corrélations à longue portée des séquences d'ADN

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    Depuis le début des années 90, l'intérêt des mathématiciens, physiciens et informaticiens pour l'analyse statistique des séquences d'ADN n'a pas cessé de croître. En effet, les immenses progrès de la biologie moléculaire et les grands projets de séquençage ont révélé l'extraordinaire complexité des génomes. Afin de mieux comprendre l'organisation et l'évolution des génomes, il est apparu nécessaire d'introduire de nouveaux concepts et de nouvelles techniques d'analyse du signal. Ainsi la possibilité que les séquences d'ADN présentent des propriétés d'invariance d'échelle associées à l'existence de corrélations à longue portée (CLP) a été le sujet d'une longue controverse. La raison principale de ce malentendu est le caractère non stationnaire des séquences d'ADN résultant de l'hétérogénéité de composition des génomes. Cette observation nous a conduit à proposer l'utilisation de la transformation en ondelettes continue (TO) comme outil naturel d'analyse des séquences d'ADN : par un choix adéquat de l'ondelette analysatrice, on peut s'affranchir de la "structure mosaïque" de ces séquences et quantifier l'existence de CLP associées à des propriétés d'invariance d'échelle monofractales. L'exploration de séquences d'ADN du génome humain sous l'optique du microscope TO, nous a permis de démontrer l'existence de CLP dans les séquences exoniques (codantes pour les protéines) comme dans les séquences introniques (non codantes), remettant par là en cause les différentes interprétations de ces corrélations à l'aide de modèles de dynamique évolutive (plasticité) des génomes. En profitant de la disponibilité de génomes complets (levure, E. coli,...) et en utilisant différentes tables expérimentales associant des di- ou tri- nucléotides à des grandeurs de nature structurelle (courbure, flexibilité), nous avons montré récemment qu'il est possible d'extraire des séquences d'ADN des informations sur l'organisation spatiale et dynamique de la double hélice dans les cellules via l'interaction avec certaines protéines de structure telles que les histones pour la formation du nucléosome eucaryote. En particulier, l'existence et la nature des CLP jusqu'à des distances de l'ordre de 3 104 nucléotides dans certains profils de courbure et/ou de flexibilité locales permettent de diagnostiquer la présence de nucléosomes dans les génomes étudiés. L'observation de certaines CLP dans tous les organismes eucaryotes ainsi que dans les organismes des deux autres règnes (eubactéries et archaeabactéries) suggère fortement que ces corrélations pourraient être essentielles aux phénomènes de condensation-décondensation de la chromatine en relation avec les processus de réplication, transcription et division cellulaire

    Tiny abortive initiation transcripts exert antitermination activity on an RNA hairpin-dependent intrinsic terminator

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    No biological function has been identified for tiny RNA transcripts that are abortively and repetitiously released from initiation complexes of RNA polymerase in vitro and in vivo to date. In this study, we show that abortive initiation affects termination in transcription of bacteriophage T7 gene 10. Specifically, abortive transcripts produced from promoter ϕ10 exert trans-acting antitermination activity on terminator Tϕ both in vitro and in vivo. Following abortive initiation cycling of T7 RNA polymerase at ϕ10, short G-rich and oligo(G) RNAs were produced and both specifically sequestered 5- and 6-nt C + U stretch sequences, consequently interfering with terminator hairpin formation. This antitermination activity depended on sequence-specific hybridization of abortive transcripts with the 5′ but not 3′ half of Tϕ RNA. Antitermination was abolished when Tϕ was mutated to lack a C + U stretch, but restored when abortive transcript sequence was additionally modified to complement the mutation in Tϕ, both in vitro and in vivo. Antitermination was enhanced in vivo when the abortive transcript concentration was increased via overproduction of RNA polymerase or ribonuclease deficiency. Accordingly, antitermination activity exerted on Tϕ by abortive transcripts should facilitate expression of Tϕ-downstream promoter-less genes 11 and 12 in T7 infection of Escherichia coli

    Prediction of Transcriptional Terminators in Bacillus subtilis and Related Species

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    In prokaryotes, genes belonging to the same operon are transcribed in a single mRNA molecule. Transcription starts as the RNA polymerase binds to the promoter and continues until it reaches a transcriptional terminator. Some terminators rely on the presence of the Rho protein, whereas others function independently of Rho. Such Rho-independent terminators consist of an inverted repeat followed by a stretch of thymine residues, allowing us to predict their presence directly from the DNA sequence. Unlike in Escherichia coli, the Rho protein is dispensable in Bacillus subtilis, suggesting a limited role for Rho-dependent termination in this organism and possibly in other Firmicutes. We analyzed 463 experimentally known terminating sequences in B. subtilis and found a decision rule to distinguish Rho-independent transcriptional terminators from non-terminating sequences. The decision rule allowed us to find the boundaries of operons in B. subtilis with a sensitivity and specificity of about 94%. Using the same decision rule, we found an average sensitivity of 94% for 57 bacteria belonging to the Firmicutes phylum, and a considerably lower sensitivity for other bacteria. Our analysis shows that Rho-independent termination is dominant for Firmicutes in general, and that the properties of the transcriptional terminators are conserved. Terminator prediction can be used to reliably predict the operon structure in these organisms, even in the absence of experimentally known operons. Genome-wide predictions of Rho-independent terminators for the 57 Firmicutes are available in the Supporting Information section

    RNIE: genome-wide prediction of bacterial intrinsic terminators

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    Bacterial Rho-independent terminators (RITs) are important genomic landmarks involved in gene regulation and terminating gene expression. In this investigation we present RNIE, a probabilistic approach for predicting RITs. The method is based upon covariance models which have been known for many years to be the most accurate computational tools for predicting homology in structural non-coding RNAs. We show that RNIE has superior performance in model species from a spectrum of bacterial phyla. Further analysis of species where a low number of RITs were predicted revealed a highly conserved structural sequence motif enriched near the genic termini of the pathogenic Actinobacteria, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This motif, together with classical RITs, account for up to 90% of all the significantly structured regions from the termini of M. tuberculosis genic elements. The software, predictions and alignments described below are available from http://github.com/ppgardne/RNIE

    TRAP binding to the Bacillus subtilis trp leader region RNA causes efficient transcription termination at a weak intrinsic terminator

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    The Bacillus subtilis trpEDCFBA operon is regulated by a transcription attenuation mechanism controlled by the trp RNA-binding attenuation protein (TRAP). TRAP binds to 11 (G/U)AG repeats in the trp leader transcript and prevents formation of an antiterminator, which allows formation of an intrinsic terminator (attenuator). Previously, formation of the attenuator RNA structure was believed to be solely responsible for signaling RNA polymerase (RNAP) to halt transcription. However, base substitutions that prevent formation of the antiterminator, and thus allow the attenuator structure to form constitutively, do not result in efficient transcription termination. The observation that the attenuator requires the presence of TRAP bound to the nascent RNA to cause efficient transcription termination suggests TRAP has an additional role in causing termination at the attenuator. We show that the trp attenuator is a weak intrinsic terminator due to low GC content of the hairpin stem and interruptions in the U-stretch following the hairpin. We also provide evidence that termination at the trp attenuator requires forward translocation of RNA polymerase and that TRAP binding to the nascent transcript can induce this activity

    Imprecise transcription termination within Escherichia coli greA leader gives rise to an array of short transcripts, GraL

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    We report that greA expression is driven by two strong, overlapping P1 and P2 promoters. The P1 promoter is σ70-dependent and P2 is σE-dependent. Two-thirds of transcripts terminate within the leader region and the remaining third comprises greA mRNA. Termination efficiency seems to be unaffected by growth phase. Two collections of small 40–50 (initiating from P2) and 50–60 nt (from P1) RNA chains, termed GraL, are demonstrable in vivo and in vitro. We document that GraL arrays arise from an intrinsic terminator with an 11 bp stem followed by an AU7GCU2 sequence. Atypical chain termination occurs at multiple sites; the 3′-ends differ by 1 nt over a range of 10 nt. Transcripts observed are shown to be insensitive to Gre factors and physically released from RNAP–DNA complexes. The abundance of individual chains within each cluster displays a characteristic pattern, which can be differentially altered by oligonucleotide probes. Multiple termination sites are particularly sensitive to changes at the bottom of the stem. Evolutionarily conserved GraL stem structures and fitness assays suggest a biological function for the RNA clusters themselves. Although GraL overexpression induces ≥3-fold transcriptional changes of over 100 genes, a direct target remains elusive

    Open chromatin encoded in DNA sequence is the signature of ‘master’ replication origins in human cells

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    For years, progress in elucidating the mechanisms underlying replication initiation and its coupling to transcriptional activities and to local chromatin structure has been hampered by the small number (approximately 30) of well-established origins in the human genome and more generally in mammalian genomes. Recent in silico studies of compositional strand asymmetries revealed a high level of organization of human genes around 1000 putative replication origins. Here, by comparing with recently experimentally identified replication origins, we provide further support that these putative origins are active in vivo. We show that regions ∼300-kb wide surrounding most of these putative replication origins that replicate early in the S phase are hypersensitive to DNase I cleavage, hypomethylated and present a significant enrichment in genomic energy barriers that impair nucleosome formation (nucleosome-free regions). This suggests that these putative replication origins are specified by an open chromatin structure favored by the DNA sequence. We discuss how this distinctive attribute makes these origins, further qualified as ‘master’ replication origins, priviledged loci for future research to decipher the human spatio-temporal replication program. Finally, we argue that these ‘master’ origins are likely to play a key role in genome dynamics during evolution and in pathological situations

    Neurodevelopment Genes in Lampreys Reveal Trends for Forebrain Evolution in Craniates

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    The forebrain is the brain region which has undergone the most dramatic changes through vertebrate evolution. Analyses conducted in lampreys are essential to gain insight into the broad ancestral characteristics of the forebrain at the dawn of vertebrates, and to understand the molecular basis for the diversifications that have taken place in cyclostomes and gnathostomes following their splitting. Here, we report the embryonic expression patterns of 43 lamprey genes, coding for transcription factors or signaling molecules known to be involved in cell proliferation, stemcellness, neurogenesis, patterning and regionalization in the developing forebrain. Systematic expression patterns comparisons with model organisms highlight conservations likely to reflect shared features present in the vertebrate ancestors. They also point to changes in signaling systems –pathways which control the growth and patterning of the neuroepithelium-, which may have been crucial in the evolution of forebrain anatomy at the origin of vertebrates

    Replication Fork Polarity Gradients Revealed by Megabase-Sized U-Shaped Replication Timing Domains in Human Cell Lines

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    In higher eukaryotes, replication program specification in different cell types remains to be fully understood. We show for seven human cell lines that about half of the genome is divided in domains that display a characteristic U-shaped replication timing profile with early initiation zones at borders and late replication at centers. Significant overlap is observed between U-domains of different cell lines and also with germline replication domains exhibiting a N-shaped nucleotide compositional skew. From the demonstration that the average fork polarity is directly reflected by both the compositional skew and the derivative of the replication timing profile, we argue that the fact that this derivative displays a N-shape in U-domains sustains the existence of large-scale gradients of replication fork polarity in somatic and germline cells. Analysis of chromatin interaction (Hi-C) and chromatin marker data reveals that U-domains correspond to high-order chromatin structural units. We discuss possible models for replication origin activation within U/N-domains. The compartmentalization of the genome into replication U/N-domains provides new insights on the organization of the replication program in the human genome